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Future Fashion Project & pre-graduation reflection

After months of hard work, planning and actualizing my Future Fashion Project, I finally submitted in my report yesterday! I actually felt the stress and burden immediately lifted off my shoulders after printing it four days prior to the actual submission because it was like seeing the baby I've worked on, grow up. Upon submitted, Anisa asked me how did I feel. I used to feel nervous when submitting most of my work because I really didnt know what I'd be expecting to get. I guess I was just worried to get a bad mark. But yesterday I felt really happy and proud of the work I was submitting. I believed in my project and had many people believe in it too which was extremely encouraging. It was especially helpful for someone like me who struggles with anxiety and self confidence, I felt like my idea was actually great. Of course, there's always room for improvement in everything, but this time I felt like what I did was enough, even for my own standards.

I still remember heading home from the printing shop feeling so lifeless and empty as something I worked on almost constantly since this module started is now finally done, I ask myself "what next?" Of course I know that I've still got my Futureproof module to go, but the thought of completing my degree scares me simply because only 1 module and a month that was standing in the way before I go out to the real world and embark on my journey into the working life. It's funny how humans tend to worry about the slightest things when we're bound to face it either way. I guess its the thought of not knowing what lies ahead which fears us all.

As for me, throughout my 1 and a half years here in Singapore, I've learnt to live life as it is, take in every opportunity, compliment or criticism as a learning lesson. Time waits for no one, and we're all bound to face it one way or another. Not knowing what's next would be scare young me 2-3 years ago, but today, the me now, I'm okay and I'm ready.

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