Creating my logo

When I was planning my mini projects to do in term one, I planned to create a logo that best shows who I am for my portfolio blog towards the third or final term. As time just dashed by, it was the final term already and I finally pushed myself to execute it. The reason I wanted to create a custom logo based off myself is that I wanted to show my creativity and personality through this logo. If future employers stumble across my portfolio, they may not remember my name but there's a chance they would remember my logo. Studies have proven that humans tend to remember visuals better that text and I'm very much a visual person. A logo not only shows one's personality through its design, it can also be a form of personal branding. Just like when people see a work, they know exactly who did it. That is kind of the level I hope to achieve.
Creating my logo actually started with just scribbles on Illustrator. I knew I wanted to focus my small eyes and baby face as the main features in this logo because that is what makes me, me. I used four main colours, beige, pink, brown and dark grey for this logo as it suits my style as someone who loves basic colours but likes spicing things up with a hint of a statement piece or pop of colour. I used the font called "decalled" because the font is very sharp and concise but still has some bits at the edges that still can be improved upon to be better. The font matches me quite a lot because I'm often very particular and meticulous in everything I do, but I'm always finding ways to make something good even better.