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EcoBank Stop-motion Styling video

Shraddhaa and I worked on a stop-motion styling video during our visit to the EcoBank warehouse where all the collected items are gathered and sorted there. It was like one of those treasure hunting moments where we had to find a gem among a huge pile of stuff. To be honest, going into this task I was not quite confident that we would be able to pull it off, simply because:

1. Are we even going to find photo-worthy items?

2. Is there going to be good lighting?

3. I hope the floor is nice.

Surprisingly, everything we found there checked all my worries and we even borrowed a wooden board from a kind uncle in the workshop next door. We only intended to make 3 stop-motion videos on women's wear styles but Anisa told us to do mens and kids, and had us do as many as possible. I brought along some props from home which was really useful for the shoot. We took awhile during the first two looks as we had to gather the pieces ourselves, but as we went on, our classmates helped out and brought tonnes of great pieces! In the end, we came up with 10 stop-motion videos in total, with 4 womens, 2 mens, 2 girls and 2 boys.

Here's the final video!

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