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Post WCBH fashion show thoughts

It has been exactly a week since We Can Be Heroes fashion show ended and strangely enough, I kind of miss it. Don't get me wrong, I do not miss the planning part at all especially having to do countless drafts of the poster, but I do miss the adrenaline on the show day itself. I remember I slept so well the night before the show and when I woke up, I actually forgot about the show being that day until I saw my Whatsapp being bombarded with messages which brought me back to reality. I guess it was surreal that for about 5 months we were planning so much and all those sleepless nights and stressing over our budget and getting sponsors, the few hours on actual day just flew by like nothing.

That morning I knew that with the pressure the team leaders were feeling due to uncooperative team members, there was bound to be some arguments. Unfortunately, I was right. I got myself ready slightly earlier than usual as I had to collect the flowers for the designers on my way to school. Got there earlier and even had the luxury to enjoy a microwaved breakfast at 7-11, as the day was going to be long, I knew I had to fuel up especially with that stomach of mine that is prone to gastric pain. Most of us gathered at the basement room where we did our fittings and of course, despite Minwoo reminding the class about the briefing at 10:00am, there were late comers and we only actually started at 11:30am. To me, it's fine if they don't contribute much to the event, but the least they could do was to be punctual.

Before the briefing, I had to step in to do some last minute graphics work for the show team due to some hiccups. I didn't bring my laptop that day and had to use Dav's. Thankfully I uploaded all my graphic work in the Adobe's Creative Cloud so it didn't take long to fix the problem. We finally got the briefing going despite the altercation beforehand and moved the things onto the truck and finally gathering at the venue.

Once arriving at the venue, I ate quickly as I knew there was going to be too much to do later on. I don't know why but I didn't feel nervous at all and was excited instead because I really believe in the show and had a feeling it would be great. Even I wish I could be the attendee of the show.

My hands were tied throughout the day as not only I had to help as a dresser during rehearsals but photograph behind the scenes shots as part of my social media manager duties. It was crazy especially running around with a camera on my neck trying to get the best "in the moment" shots I could while having a bunch of clothes on my shoulders. I was lucky to get Tim as my model as he was such a gentleman and a professional model throughout the show. He did not worry me at all despite our show being his first fashion show and even reminded me of some styling details that we had to do.

When we got our models dressed for the first collection, it only occurred me that in just a few mere hours, our show that we have been working on for 5 months would be completed just like that. Us backstage just couldn't contain ourselves thinking that we were almost there as we heard the guests enter the room. As changing into each collection just flew by in a blink, Steph and I couldn't help but peak through the curtains to see the finale presentation with the models holding up signs related to androgynous. We even ran to selfie with the models when none of the guests dared to join in on the Instagram moment. We didn't care about our image at all and just ran over like a bunch of fan girls. It was worth it though, because after we did so everyone started standing up and joining in the fun.

Being among the guests in that moment felt special. Hearing the sound of excitement and seeing the smiles on our guests faces was a satisfying moment I could never forget and is a memory I will cherish as far as I can remember. Overall, I'm really happy and proud about how the show turned out. Despite the minor tweaks, to me it was perfect already. If we had to do this again, I probably would choose the same job because I feel like my talent really complements the graphic job and social media managing. However, maybe I'll get some teammates to help me out next time around because it was crazy doing it most of it on my own.

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