WE CAN BE HEROES fashion show poster design
I'm proud and excited to say that the poster design has been finally approved by the school! After more than 10 drafts, I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Like, finally!
It was my first time having to do an event poster, in addition to that, there were so many people's opinions I had to please so it was definitely not a walk in the park. To be honest, I didn't think that I would be as stressed out as I was during last term's break due to the poster not being approved yet and the fact that it had to be submitted by the first week of the new term. Plus, I only had a short time to do during my break as my Taiwan trip ate up 9 days of my holiday. With my laptop still under repair at that time, it was stress on top of more stress.
However, after working on it for around a month, the feeling of my design being approved was unreal. I could literally feel the weight of my shoulders completely lifted and gone. I think the main reason it took longer than anticipated because there were so many elements the class liked from the mood board and it became too overwhelming to combine all of it together. And my lecturer Anisa kept telling me to tone it down but still having to make it look Bowie which confused me the most. Now I truly understand the frustrations of a graphic designer because sometimes people may want many elements that look good individually but may not look good together. So then there had to be sacrifices.
I guess another factor was I started doing the mood board focusing on androgynous when it should be more towards David Bowie since he is the inspiration for our event, thus an icon in androgynous fashion. Anyway, here is the final poster for our event: "WE CAN BE HEROES"!

The font is the exact font for one of Bowie's album and the uses of red, blue and white as his signature colours. Not to forget the galaxy of stars in the background that symbolizes one of his most famous alter-ego Ziggy Stardust.
Stay tuned for more updates on the event and do like our event's Facebook page and follow our Instagram @wecanbeheroes2017