Back again.

After a really fruitful term break, I'm back in sunny Singapore! The first week for me was the hardest because I had to adjust to being productive again and begin working my butt off. It didn't help that I had just came back from my holiday in Taiwan as I had way too much fun with my best friends on our first ever girl's trip.
The first thing I did since coming back was rushing to finish the event poster as it was scheduled to be approved by the first week. To be honest, I regretted a little to choose to be in charge of the graphic work because I did not think it would be this difficult and that it would burn so many of my brain cells from thinking too hard! Okay, that was slightly exaggerated but you get what I mean. I wondered what was I thinking to choose that job because this was a school project so everything had to be approved by the school before anything can be proceeded. I was previously the illustrator for my high school yearbook when I was 16 so I obviously should have known what I going to face.
However, when I got an email earlier today that my poster was approved, it felt surreal. Like all that hardship didn't go to waste and it just felt special. That was when I realized that nothing good comes easy, despite all that "regret" I had previously, it became nothing now. Like I was kind of glad I took on that role and it paid off seeing my work be appreciated.
I won't be revealing the poster just yet as there are still some information pending. But here's a sneak peak on how it looks like!

Do you see the David Bowie vibes?
Stay tuned for more updates on the event and do like our event's Facebook page and follow our Instagram @wecanbeheroes2017