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The Juice Market logo revamp

I recently stumbled upon The Juice Market, an online fashion boutique based in Singapore through social media influencer, Sophia Chong's instagram. In case you haven't heard of it, it was established in July 2009 by Sophia, aiming to bring cutting-edge style and everyday off-duty looks which empowers woman. The brand goes by the quote, "fashion isn't all about trends, it's about being forward thinking, comfortable and confident."

To be honest, I really love the clothes and how they balance edginess and femininity. All the pictures in their social media feed and website are on point to what they want to achieve but the only thing that bugged me was their logo. No offense to Sophia at all but I just feel like it doesn't really show the personality of the clothes her brand has to offer. If I didn't click in their website and just saw the logo, I wouldn't really know what it was selling. Funny thing I noticed is that The Juice Market's Facebook logo is totally different from their website and Instagram profile one. (which is the one below) If customers seen their collection on Instagram and decide to view more through Facebook, they may get confused if its their official page or just some random shop going by the same name. I feel like this mistake is a total no-no to do.

*Note to them: I think you guys should do something about it!

Anyway, here's their logo:

I think it looks kinda like KENZO's logo. Here's Kenzo's logo as a reference.

Photo credits:

Do you see the resemblance? It's not exactly the same but there is similarity in terms of the multiple lines on the font.

So I decided to test out my rusty Photoshop and Illustrator to revamp their logo and see how it goes. I haven't touched these applications ever since I ended my last semester which was easily two months ago and I didn't have my trustee notebook with all the basics that I learned in the computer graphics module with me. Thankfully, I still sort of remembered most of the things I wanted to do with the logo and managed to come up with something nice. It took me four drafts to finally get something I felt expressed The Juice Market the most without changing its original logo too much as some people may get confused if the change was too drastic.

So these are the drafts I did according to chronological order. I noticed that the website uses alot blush colours here and there in the website layout as well as the photoshoot images. So for the first draft (top one), I decided to use blush pink as one of the main colours. I added some dashed lines to enhance the simple logo with the dashed lines to symbolize of the seams you find in a garment. So judging by the look of it, you may be able to figure out that it's a clothing brand. However, I felt like it was too girly and sweet since The Juice Market's clothes share a balance between femininity and edginess.

So then goes my second draft (second from top). Same font but way different from the first one. I wanted to try something different and since the brand is called The "Juice" Market, maybe I could make the words look like there's juice in it or something. So I borrowed one of the most used colours in their collection which is light blue. The logo had to match with the overall blush pink layout so I didn't make the juice colour go too far off from its warm colour family. I tried adding some bubbles in the "juice" but it turned out weird so I left it as it is. Since the "I" in "juice" looks like a straw, I made it looking like a typical straw with red and white stripes. Something obvious and easily noticeable. At first glance, the second draft didn't scream fashion brand but more to juice bar instead.

On to the third draft (second from bottom), I was actually reluctant to scrap the second draft idea because a part of me had this idea envisioned from the start but execution didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be. As we all know that feeling of expectation vs. reality. I was comparing the original logo to the drafts I did, I noticed the change was too drastic and it may be too much of a shocking difference to their existing customers. So then I decided to play around with their original logo's multiple lines and see if it could fit in anywhere from what I did. Adding it to my second draft made everything look too busy and it just was not working at all. So finally I decided to scrap the idea despite spending a really long time trying to make it happen. Sometimes they say if it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't mean to be.

So onto my last and finalized draft (bottom one)! So i decided to add the lines to my first draft, testing the thickness, number of lines and where to put it. In the end I placed it on the second from the top layer because it wouldn't coincide with the dashed lines making it look too congested, plus it was noticeable and a subtle adaptation from the original. Adding the lines showed that the brand was edgy, the pink made it also feminine and the dashed lines represented garment seams. I was quite pleased and satisfied with the end result as it wasn't a 180 degree change from the original, but more to an improvement of what it was and it showed what the brand was about in a clearer, better way.





Disclaimer: This mini project was done out of my personal interest and I did not intend to offend The Juice Market or Sophia Chong in any way. Cheers. :)

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